Find the care you deserve, call us:

1-443-471-8803 1-443-471-8804
big house
We strive to provide care and open doors for adults with special needs.
Our Mission

We are committed to helping adults with developmental disabilities get the support and assistance they need to live comfortably and productively in their communities. Our team strives to give them opportunities to discover their full potential and create positive relationships with the people around them.

Our Vision

We strive to help more people with developmental disabilities get access to health care, employment, training, education, and support they need to live comfortably and be active members of their community.

a caregiver and a person with down syndrome playing

Who We Are

HELIX HEALTHCARE, INC provides DDA services in Maryland, and supports communities around the state. We pride ourselves on having a team of experienced and dedicated staff who have been serving the community for years. We believe that everyone should have access to care, training, and employment to live a happier and more fulfilling life, regardless of their disabilities. That’s why we are dedicated to offering these opportunities to the adults we serve through our personalized services and support.

We are a DDA Approved/Licensed Organization. [Click Here]

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